Ready to
your frequency?

Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want
and you cannot help but get that reality.

- Albert Einstein

Your ENERGY is entirely unique.

It’s this uniqueness that powers the gifts you came here to share with the world.

Because our humanity is inextricably intertwined with each other and the world around us, it’s so easy to take on energy, thought patterns and attitudes that make us feel distant from our own unique energy. We are processing 50-80 thousand thoughts a day, every. single. day.

Fortunately, there are tools, techniques and methods that exist that can help us silence the mental chatter, become more discerning with the energy we take on, and help us remember our distinct frequencies and unique vibrations.

If you are ready to break free from...

  • Constant overthinking, or second-guessing yourself,

  • Suppressing your emotions and desires,

  • Being overwhelmed while processing your own life and taking on the issues of others,

  • Playing it small in order to be who other people expect you to be,

If you’re ready to experience your distinct and unique frequency..


you’ve come to
the right place


Previous Clients include & are from

get in gorgeous, we're healing.

get in gorgeous, we're healing.

Hi! I’m Angelyn. I’m so grateful you’re here!

I’m a Filipina multidisciplinary certified healer and meditation instructor based in Los Angeles, CA. I play with reiki, sound and meditation to help my clients silence the mental chatter, ground into their bodies and reconnect with their core essence; love. As a reiki master certified in crystal singing bowls, elemental chimes, and meditation, my goal is to share tools and thought seeds for the garden of your mind; and techniques to help keep the garden nourished.

The Healers Ranch is the container of space we co-create when we tap in together. In these shared spaces of sound, frequency, and intention, my goal is to bridge both hemispheres of thought - spirit and science. The Healers Ranch is the space where we remember that everything in this precious life is energy. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy. At the Healers Ranch we are all alchemists, we are our greatest healers. I invite you to join me in experiencing your own frequency.

“I feel like i’m glowing.”

—Amanda P., Reiki Client, 30 seconds post-session